Through the last 35 years Nadine George has developed a deep going technic where the work with the voice in the body is a tool that creates the connection between feeling, sound and the word. This resonating sound in the body is brought directly into the work with the words and the text.
In the first week the work will concentrate on the voice work, in the second week more focus will be put on the texts. The teaching and dialouge with Nadine will be in English.
Mornings – first week
We will work with the breathing work on the floor in two’s and then take the breathing into the space walking and connecting with each other. Then we will do the voice warm up which is based on the four qualities of sound that we will be working on. These sounds are sung in the body. There are two male sounds and two female sounds low male, high male, low female and high female. We will sing these sounds together and then speak the four phrases of the Shakespearean text that link with these sounds, resonating the speaking voice from the vibration of the sung sound. Each person in the workshop will work on one quality of sound each day so that everyone will work on all the qualities of sound.
Afternoons – first week
The group will continue the voice work and also do some work on the text of the scenes of ”Mourning Becomes Electra” by Eugene O O’Neill linking this with the work on the voice.
Mornings and afternoons – second week
Participants will do the breathing work on the floor and then take the breathing into the space and contacting with each other and the voice warm up each day . Then the work will be concentrated only on the work with the text putting the scenes of ”Mourning Becomes Electra” on the stage and linking this to the voice work we have done in the first week.
A couple of weeks before the workshop starts participants will receive dialogues from Eugene O’Neill’s play Mourning Becomes Electra in Swedish to rehearse in advance.
Nadine George, founder of Voice Studio International, trained as an actress at the Central School of Speech and Drama in London. She went on to work closely with fellow actor Roy Hart, researching work on the human voice
Based in England since 1990, and having spent eight years researching the voice at the University of Birmingham Drama Department, Nadine has developed her own voice technique. She now works closely with many international theatre companies and drama schools all over Europe where her work has been adopted by many as the core vocal practice for their actor training programmes.
Nadine has created a practical technique that can be used internationally by actors, voice teachers, directors and anyone wishing to develop their true voice. The work uniquely uses sung sound directly linked to the body and to work with text.
In July 2008, Nadine received an Honorary Doctorate of Drama from the Royal Conservatoire Scotlandfor service to the arts and her lifetime contribution to work on the Human Voice on an international level. In June 2013 the Centre for Voice in Performance published the first book charting the growth and development of the Nadine George Voice Work: Growing Voices.