It is very intensive 4-day class designed to allow performers of all levels to hone their skills and deepen their technique through a range of exercises that are directly applied to cold readings, structured improvisations, scenes and monologues, and audition material.
Each day opens with either
a) an active relaxation using music, dance, and creative sound and movement; or
b) a receptive relaxation involving breathing, stretching, verbalization and guided visualization.
Both forms engender a creative, open state and provide actors with a clear roadmap to guide them through the next stage of work: the direct application of their technique to material either they bring in themselves, or that they choose from among scenes we provide.
In addition to these exercises and application, you will participate in script and character analysis, and offer and receive feedback, both from Sheila and your peer.
During the first class you are assigned partners and scenes/sides-for those wishing to work on text, which will be performed throughout the course of the workshop. You will have the opportunity to perform their scenes/sides several times; incorporating the exercises, new tools and feedback they have received. Sheila looks forward to embarking on this exciting journey with you.
Sheila Gray’s approach is modern and Method-based, and it employs sensory work, active imagination, moment-to-moment and given-circumstance exercises.
– Ellen Chenoweth; Casting Director
Sheila is a wonderful acting coach. She worked with all the actors on A Bronx Tale. Sheila is able to prepare and rehearse the actors while keeping the scenes fresh and spontaneous. She was great to have on set.
– Robert De Niro; Actor and director
Språk: engelska
Antal platser: TeaterAlliansen har två platser
OBS! exklusivt för anställda skådespelare.
OM du blir antagen betalar TA kursavgift, resa och boende.
Included in this workshop Sheila will also give an overview of how the acting markets function in America-mainly New York and Los Angeles. There are many ways actors can prepare and become familiar with the American market in anticipation of visiting, and you will touch on all of those.
Läs mer om Sheila Gray HÄR.