WORKSHOP: The Performer, The Object and the secret in between

Workshopen och föreställning är en del av festivalprogrammet på Marionetteaterns internationella dockteaterfestival, Pop Up Puppets, som äger rum den 18-21 augusti. Publik i alla åldrar kan uppleva fantastisk dockteater från hela världen, när föreställningar från åtta olika länder fyller Kulturhuset Stadsteaterns många scener:
In this short and intensive workshop, Yael Rasooly invites participants on a creative journey into the universe of Object Theater. Participants will explore the dialogue and relationships between the performer/character and "ready made" objects.
You will be looking at objects that are Charged, whether from the use of the object, its symbolic associations, or objects that hold an emotional cargo, from personal memory and story. You will be doing exercises and improvisations in groups, and also touching on the theme of individual solo creation, a starting point for future development.
You will be using your bodies in relation to the objects and their manipulation, as well as the Voice, both in speaking and singing. Above all the workshop aims to dive into the process of creation itself, giving tools for when working with others and working alone. Stepping into the inner space of invention and playfulness, passing through artistic blockage, improvising, working fast, with heightened sensitivity and with pleasure.
The larger the space – the better, so we can do movement, as well as assign groups to work in different corners. Necessary equipment to play sound from a computer.
As you need to have a universe of objects to work with, once the group is decided Yael would like to send an email to the participants, with a few words about the work you will do and what to bring/prepare.
Lördag 20 aug 19.00
Föreställning The house by the lake - Yael Rasooly (IL)
Söndag 21 augusti kl. 09.30-16.00
Workshop The Performer, The Object and the secret in between
Workshop och föreställning är en del av festivalprogrammet på Pop Up Puppets 18-21/8
Antal platser: 15
Kulturhuset Stadsteatern/Stockholm
Föreställning 20/8 kl. 19.00
Workshop 21/8 kl. 09.30-16.00
Sista ansökningsdag var 2022-07-01.