LED-workshop för scenografer och kostymdesigners – 2 exklusiva platser i Köpenhamn!

Kursledare Wendy Leudtke
Nu finns chansen för dig som scenograf/kostymdesigners att genom TeaterAlliansen kompetensutveckla dig inom ljus och färgdynamik under en 2-dagars workshop på Den Danske Scenekunstskolen!
Två dagars utforskande av färg-dynamik genom föreläsningar och praktiska workshops med Wendy Luedtke, en av belysningsbranschens mest kunniga experter på färgad LED. Workshopen vänder sig både till ljusdesigners och scenografer/kostymdesigners som vill förstå hur belysning påverkar deras arbete.
Antal platser: 2
TeaterAlliansen bekostar de antagna deltagarnas kursplats. Arrangören bjuder på lunch och eftermiddagsfika under båda dagarna. Övriga omkostnader står deltagaren själv för.
Om kursen:
Join us for a 2-Day Exploration of Color Dynamics and Hands-On Workshops with Wendy Luedtke, one of the lighting industry's most knowledgeable experts in colored LED lighting. The seminar is held in collaboration with and supported by The Lighting Designers' Copyright Management (LOF).This 2-day, in-person seminar includes lectures and hands-on workshops merging the art and science of color.
Morning seminars kick off with a keynote to mystify, educate, and entertain with visual system trickery and discussion of what and how we see. Seminars continue with color theory, spectral manipulation of colored lighting (metamers), color rendering capabilities of white light sources for architectural applications, and more.
Afternoon hands-on workshops allow you to explore the lessons discussed and demonstrated in morning seminars, explore equipment capabilities, and build on previous experience.
The program offers:
- In-depth color theory lecture and demonstration
- Exploration of spectral tunability and its impact on object appearance for both white and colored light
- Key considerations for fixture evaluation
- Color control
- Hands-on exploration of advanced color control using additive color mixing LEDs
- Lunch and networking
While most of the content is targeted for lighting designers, we welcome related designers such as costume, scenic or interior interested in understanding lighting’s impact on their work.
Om kursledaren:
Wendy Luedtke is the product technology specialist for color at ETC and a member of its Advance Research Group (ARG). In this role, she focuses across product areas on color exploration, science, standards, and education. She lectures on these topics for a range of audiences, from industry experts to design students, and has multiple patents related to LED color mixing. Ms. Luedtke previously served as the product manager for color and lighting at Rosco Laboratories, Inc., and is a veteran lighting designer with theater, live entertainment, corporate event, and architectural experience. She received her degree from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, where she later served for more than a decade as an adjunct instructor
Den Danske Scenekunstskolen,
18-19 juni
Sista ansökningsdag var 2024-06-10.