WORKSHOP: Cluppetry – puppetry and clown

Adam och Dik. Foto: Kulturhuset Stadsteatern
Workshop med Adam och Dik som även kommer att spela föreställningen Big boys don´t cry under festivalen.
Opposable Thumb Theatre will be leading a short, sharp shock workshop in "Cluppetry". What’s "Cluppetry" you ask. Well it’s a heady mixture of clown and puppetry. Together Adam Blake (Open Attic and Wyldwood Arts) and Dik Downey (Pickled Image and Green Ginger) will impart years of experience in clowning and puppetry in one big , experiential blob.
They take classic clowning workshop exercises and age old puppetry techniques and chuck them into a theatrical blender and marvel at the "Cluppetry" that emerges.
These workshops will incorporate clowning games such as status hierarchy, imitation/exaggeration and embracing your failures, as well as looking at the intricacies of puppetry, like breath, focus and movement. Then you examine the role of puppeteer versus clown, clown as puppet, puppet as clown and everything in between. These workshops are very informative to both clowns and puppeteers, giving insight into each-others profession and arming the participants with new transferable skills.
Workshopen är en del av festivalprogrammet på Marionetteaterns internationella dockteaterfestival, Pop Up Puppets, som äger rum den 18-21 augusti. Publik i alla åldrar kan uppleva fantastisk dockteater från hela världen, när föreställningar från åtta olika länder fyller Kulturhuset Stadsteaterns många scener:
Torsdag 18/8 kl. 09.30-16.00
Workshop Cluppetry - puppetry and clown
Fredag 19/8 kl. 19.00
Föreställning: Big boys don´t cry
Antal platser: 20
Kulturhuset Stadsteatern/Stockholm
Workshop: 18/8 kl 09.30-16.00
Föreställning: 19/8 kl. 19.00
Sista ansökningsdag var 2022-07-01.