W0RKSHOP i skuggspel: Beyond the screen

Foto: Kulturhuset Stadsteatern
Workshopen och föreställning en del av festivalprogrammet på Marionetteaterns internationella dockteaterfestival, Pop Up Puppets, som äger rum den 18-21 augusti. Publik i alla åldrar kan uppleva fantastisk dockteater från hela världen, när föreställningar från åtta olika länder fyller Kulturhuset Stadsteaterns många scener: https://kulturhusetstadsteatern.se/pop-puppets
Fabrizio Montecchi by Teatro Gioco Vita (Italy), offer a short journey to discover techniques and languages of the contemporary shadow theatre, a language deeply theatrical nature, intangible art with enormous expressive and communicative possibilities. In the last forty years the shadows theatre has undergone a remarkable revolution in technique and in language. This change comes the use of pinpoint lamps, the manipulation of the light, the special handling of the screen, the different kinds of shadow puppets, the projection behind and in front of the screens. For that the traditional limited space of the shadows, which we can look upon as a system of closed techniques and relationships, has been replaced by an open space, rich and dynamic in possibilities and powers of articulation. This new space for the shadows is at the heart of the contemporary shadows theatre.
Lördag 20/8 kl. 09.30-16.00
Workshop The primitive modernity of contemporary shadow theatre
Fredag 19/8 kl. 13.00
Föreställning Frog - Teatro Gioco Vita (IT)
Antal platser: 15
Kulturhuset Stadsteatern/Stockholm
Workshop: 20/8 09.30-16.00
Föreställning: 19/8 kl. 13.00
Sista ansökningsdag var 2022-07-01.