Masterclass ”wonderbox” med Jakop Ahlbom

Masterclass med Jakop Ahlbom. Foto: Rahi Rezvani
TeaterAlliansen bjuder i samarbete med Mimplattformen och Riksteatern och med bidrag från Konstnärsnämnden in till en tredagars masterclass med Jakop Ahlbom (Nederländerna). Språk: engelska
An inspiration program titled Wonderclass. Participants get familiar with Jakop Ahlbom's working method. Part of the wonderclass is the working with the Wonderbox with cards that help performers explore play, movement, drama, and conflict. Jakop Ahlbom uses these cards as a tool in his rehearsal room.
About Jakop Ahlbom Company: We make people wonder… Jakop Ahlbom Company is a theater company that creates surreal and physical performances that capture the imagination. With a blend of mime, dance, slapstick, music, magic and visual effects we tell universal stories. We bring the audience to unknown worlds and show a magical universe where nothing what it seems. With our visual language we appeal to large and diverse audiences both in The Netherlands and abroad.
Jakop Ahlbom (Sweden, 1971) graduated from the Mime Program at the Amsterdam School of the Arts. He has been working on his own unique oeuvre for over two decades. His performances are staged all over the world.
Målgrupp: utbildade mimskådespelare och andra yrkesverksamma/professionella scenkonstnärer som utövar en fysisk praktik.
Riksteatern, Hallunda
18-20 juni (tisdag-torsdag)
Sista ansökningsdag var 2024-04-21.