Föreställningsbiljett till: A very old man with enormous wings

Föreställningen ingår i Pop Up Puppets International Festival arrangerad av Marionetteatern.
On a stage two actors and their audience find something remarkable; A very old man with enormous wings. The Irish puppet maker, Dan Colley, examines the human response to those who are weak, dependent, and different.
The wise neighbour woman tells them he’s an angel. The priest says he’s an imposter. Pilgrims flock to see him, hoping to be healed by him. They leave with something different than what they expected. After consulting with the neighbour, who’s an expert on all things magic, the couple decide to shelter the old man in the chicken coop and feed him with food scraps.
Inspired by Gabriel García Márquez's dark comic tale, the show taps into both the best and worst of mankind. Using a combination of music, puppetry and live video projection this magical realistic gem is brought to the stage with beautiful, strange, emotional richness.
By: Dan Colley and Riverbank Arts Centre
Based on the short story by: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Directed by: Dan Colley
Adapted by: Dan Colley, Manus Halligan and Genevieve Hulme Beaman
Produced by: Matthew Smyth
Ålder: från 15 år
Läs mer: HÄR!
Antal biljetter: En biljett/ansökan. TeaterAlliansen har totalt 8 biljetter (om många ansöker kommer vi lotta ut biljetterna). Besked lämnas efter sista ansökningsdatum.
Läs mer om festivalen HÄR!
Kulturhuset Stadsteatern, Stockholm
söndagen den 25 augusti
Sista ansökningsdag var 2024-08-04.